Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Enormity of Life

So I was thinking the other day about our future children (as I sometimes do) and I suddenly realized that they are probably not going to turn out they way that I'm thinking they will in my head. What I mean is that I guess for SOME reason (even though I know this isn't true) I sort of figured that they would come to our family having all of the knowledge that I already have about life - and while it isn't a lot I just keep thinking that they're going to do high school better than me, they're going to be outgoing and not have problems with being shy, they will be ambitious and desire to learn and we will be best friends, they will hear a classical song and love it as much as I do...

Well then I was driving home from work and I was listening to a song on the radio that had the stupidest lyrics in the world and thought; wow, when I have kids in the car someday I'm never going to be able to listen to the radio because I worry about them hearing these awful songs... So it hit me that it's my job to teach them, protect them, help them learn, and they won't just understand things. That's my job.

Now, I always knew this, but suddenly the enormity of life and the scope of all the cool things I want them to know seemed really vast and overwhelming. How do I make sure that I remember to tell them all the important things and how do I help them get involved without being pushy and overbearing and oh-my-gosh-I'm-going-to-be-one-of-THOSE-parents...

I'm not even expecting and this is what I think about. I guess it's good to get the shock over with now and decide on a "game plan" for being a great-and-effective-yet-not-crazy parent before we have children. All of this really doesn't scare me THAT much. I know that as long as I'm doing my best and Jon and I parent together with Heavenly Father that there is no way our kids won't turn out awesome. But I still have this huge feeling in the back of my head that I want to be the best mom I can be and the best friend mom to my kids. I guess parenthood is one of those "learn as you go" types of experiences. At least it won't be boring :)


Shilo and Betsy said...

I've thought a lot about all of that too. But now I actually have to be a parent and try to remember all of those important things I'm supposed to teach my kids and hope that they turn out the way I want them to ... which probably won't happen, but I'll try my best.

Steph said...

Bets, you're going to be an awesome mom!! Hopefully we won't be too far behind you in the parenting department and we can share our war stories :)

The BaKeRs said...

I love you both! Both of you will be amazing parents. It is baby steps and learning is a process. I think of Heavenly Father and how He and Jesus Christ both learned the same way that we are learing and we are taught the same way they were taught and we will teach the same way they teach. We come to the earth to learn and be taught. There is an AMAZING article in the Ensign about this. You should read it. It also talks about how eternity is NOW not in the distant future.


Daniel said...

Thanks for this post, and I definitely agree with you.

One of the biggest concerns I have in the global world of politics is for groups (particularly in the UN) that are trying to promote the "rights of the child."

This is essentially a euphemism for government telling parents how and what to teach their children.

I'm glad to see people out there who are determined to stand up for the importance of parenting and how it is such a critical (for children) and sacred responsibility.

merrilykaroly said...

I feel the same way. Plus I'm always dreading the teenage years and wanting them just to be angel children with no mistakes. Especially no BIG mistakes with negative consequences for years to come... no pressure or anything.