Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jon @ 350 Months

Jon has bright chartreuse hazel eyes and a creative soul. When he is his happiest with me, he smiles with his lips closed and the corners of his mouth turned up. He just beams! I can picture it perfectly. I love the soft creases around his eyes and the way they fold when he smiles.

I love Jon's bursting laugh when he REALLY finds something funny.

When Jon and I got married, he was my best friend.

I realize now that I had no idea what a "best friend" really was.

Jon is a good sport and goes along with all my crazy ideas. He likes to celebrate fun things with me like National Donut Day. Although we have a lot of different likes and dislikes, we enjoy most of the same movies, love to read books out loud to each other and we try new things constantly.

 Jon is one of the most artistic people that I know, and he is always working on something different.

Although afraid of change, he is not afraid of project failure. He is intelligent and a great problem solver. He likes to work with his hands and figure things out. He enjoys taking apart computers, books, and whatever else he can to see what's inside and how they work. If something doesn't go as he imagined it would, he just tries again, or learns new skills for the next time. He has been very inspirational to me and keeps me trying. When I throw out a new strange hair-brained idea, he says, "You should do it!" every time. He is my biggest fan.

Jon has changed his look many times over the years. For a while back in 2007 his hair was almost as long as mine.

This picture from 2008 is probably one of my favorite looks of his. So handsome!!

When working on his master's degree, he started growing a beard so that he would look older than his students. I think it makes him look distinguished.

Jon is a collector of old books. It's become an obsession. I am glad that Jon's hobby is literature. It is a fascinating world! I love his philosophies on words and how stories connect humans and life, and how every book that you open has part of the person who previously read it with them. It's like a connection of human souls. Who originally set the words in the press to create the pressure on this page so that we could read it? Excellent mysteries.

This is me and Jon in SF for our 4 year wedding anniversary. I kind of think this is when we looked the best together. I loved my hair color this year and Jon's hair was the perfect length. That weekend was so fun! I like remembering us truly happy.

The apples of Jon's cheeks are perfect to kiss. I like how he looks when he runs his fingers through his long hair. Jon gives the best hugs and is always doting on me.

I know a lot of people don't get to see these sides of Jon, but he really is the most respectful husband I could ever imagine. Although very sarcastic and teasing in large groups, Jon is quiet and sweet at home and in small scenarios. He is a lover of deep conversation and regularly surprises me with movies from RedBox and coconut milk ice cream. He brought home my favorite chapstick from the grocery store today. He always wants to buy me dresses and pretty winter coats. He supports my femininity and always tells me what a wonderful mother I am. He encourages my goals and celebrates my triumphs.

I could spend all day writing memories and images of Jon. I really don't honor him on the blog enough. But the main point is that he is the biggest glue of our family, and I am forever thankful for him. I would be remiss if he didn't know how much he means to me. He has stuck with me through some really crappy years, and now having two children together and an etsy store our life is so different than I ever imagined it would be when we met 10 years ago

Jon is my favorite person, and I never want to take for granted any of my months with him. I hope he gets at least 350 more!!

1 comment:

The BaKeRs said...


Thanks for posting this! I feel like sometimes once people have kids their children are the focus and we forget the AWESOME people who made the kids as awesome as they are haha!
Jon really is awesome and I am super glad you both our such close friends! We love you both!