Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tell ALL the Things!!

For our first SATURDAY in March, we had a family dessert night at Fancy FunnelCakes in Rocklin.

Let me tell you - if you have not been there already, you need to go THIS WEEK! It is right next to Beverly's in the Sierra Meadows Plaza across from Safeway. I had been there a couple times to pick up treats for friends, but Jon and Kate had never been there with me.

It was an evening of sugar overload enjoyed by all :)

Jon and I each had a whole funnel cake to ourselves (mine was drizzled with chocolate sauce and Jon's was topped with strawberries)

We shared a plate of deep fried brownies, and Olivander was spoiled with a cup mounded full of gooey warm rice krispy treat.

Apparently the last pregnant lady who ordered it went into labor that next morning. No such luck here :) But it's really ok because baby II isn't due until the end of the month and I'm not in a rush.


And here are some things that I forgot to share about February!

We had a great time following the Olympic games in Sochi, Russia. Many of the athletes that we were cheering for did not come through with wins - like Shaun White in snowboarding :(

While others did their personal best and won gold medals - like Meryl Davis and Charlie White for the USA ice dancing competition!

Overall we really enjoyed the dramatics of the games. We marveled in the fact that there were falls EVERYWHERE. In almost every sport event there were crashes, poor conditions, misjudged landings, and upsets to the favored athletes. It really made everything entertaining for the unpredictability of it, but we were glad that no one got seriously hurt! The Olympics are our favorite. We watch the coverage every single night and DVR the events we might miss. This is very out of the norm for us since we never watch TV otherwise :) Kate was born during the Summer games in London in 2012, so we almost hoped Olivander would come during these Winter games! But at least they can share the spotlight of being Olympic season babies in their own right.

For Valentine's Day we kept it pretty low key. We started the day off with heart shaped pancakes for the whole family!

 Kate's pancake had a chocolate chip smiley face:

I made Jon this heart shaped guitar card that said: You Rock, Valentine!

Which went along with the Billy Idol greatest hits CD I picked out for him :)

A few weeks back we were in the car and White Wedding had come on the radio. Jon was saying that he wanted to listen to more Billy Idol music. I stored that away and made a trip out to Dimple Records to pick out the most perfect ridiculous Billy Idol compilation album I could find to add to our collection :) Nothing says "I love you" like awesome 80's pop rock.

 I came home from work that day to a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers from Jon :) They smelled so amazing and I kept them in whatever room I was in as much as possible for the next two weeks.

That night we were planning a DESSERT MARATHON! But toned it down to fruit dipped in melted chocolate while we watched the Olympics :) It was perfect.

That Sunday we had a family Valentine's dinner and Jon's mom made everyone decorative heart shaped sugar cookies. Usually they are the size of a salad plate, but Kate and her cousin, AnnMarie got mini versions all to themselves:

Kate really preferred the frosting.

And most importantly I never posted these pictures of me and Kate from our maternity pictures day last month and they were some of my favorites! Can't wait to meet baby II this month.



Rachel said...

We may have to visit that funnel cake place, looks delicious! And jilly almost always only eats the frosting off her cookies and cupcakes. And, your maternity pictures are gorgeous, that dress is amazing!

The BaKeRs said...

I LOVE all the pictures especially the ones with Kate in them because she is so stinkin cute!!! I LOVE your Maternity pictures and your amazing sewing abilities! One day when I get fat.. I mean prego... you will for sure have to help me make some awesome stuff!