Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

We had a fantastic Easter Sunday as a new family of four!

Since baby Edwin is still so little, Jon and I took turns going to church so that we could trade off with the kids. I joined my parents for sacrament meeting at 9am and Jon went to our ward at 1pm. We spent the rest of the day at home with Jon's family and also visited my family in the afternoon. Jon's sister Beth is back for a few weeks before she starts her master's program in Arizona and we love having her around. It's so nice to have everyone close by to celebrate the holidays with our kids!

I had a lot of fun putting together Kate's first Easter basket. (Last year she was too little to really know what was going on.) I made it a non-candy basket since we knew she would get enough sweets from the grandparents. I filled Kate's basket with all sorts of things she would love :)

Bubble necklaces shaped like carrots (bubbles are one of her most favorite things in the world), color drops for bathtime (her favorite part of the day), her very own Laffy Taffy flavored chapstick (because she always borrows my Burt's Bees), a 20inch beach ball (we played with one at a friend's house and she thought it was amazing), a toddler sized garden rake (there is an old plastic one in the backyard and she loves to dig), and a mini coloring book of The Easter Story that I put together with the wonderful help of Jon (to help her learn the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate).

The mini book has little descriptions and scriptures that talk about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, The Resurrection after the atonement in Gethsemane and crucifixion, and then baby chicks with Easter eggs and a basket explaining the celebration of new life that we're given because of Jesus, and the symbolism of Spring.

Kate especially loved her chapstick and just wanted to eat it :)

While chewing on her new garden rake, I was able to get a picture of the kids in their Easter best :)

I made Kate's dress from scratch and Jon helped me applique Edwin's tie on a onesie with some of the scraps. Kate's dress turned out so beautiful! I was very happy. I knew right when I first saw the fabric come in at Beverly's I wanted it to be Kate's Easter dress, but the shape and design came along as I made it. Pink tulle gathers out from the bottom and the bodice has 4 front pleats with cap sleeves. The bodice ended up having somewhat of a wide boat neck as well. It was very elegant, almost "off-the-shoulder" and Jon said it reminded him of the Rory dress :) All you Gilmore Girls fans know what I mean:

Jon's parents gave Kate her very own purse for Easter, so we immediately put a book in it to complete the Rory effect ;)

Baby Edwin got a fun newsboy style cap, but since he is still so little he will wear it more this Summer.

I didn't get any other great pictures of Wynn's fancy Easter onesie because he was so sleepy the rest of the day!

Kate and I had a fun time coloring and talking about Easter while everyone was at church. I was also able to get pictures of her pink flower hair clippies which I made to match her dress.

I just loved watching Kate sit in her chair at the table in her Easter dress with Margo begging for some graham cracker nearby :)

After visiting my family (where Kate and Edwin both received Easter books, treats, adorable cards, and Kate got a soft pink bear) we had dinner with Jon's family. Lamb, ham, scalloped potatoes, grilled veggies, and jello jigglers made by AnnMarie.

That evening we played outside and hunted for Easter eggs!




It was the most magical first Easter Sunday with both kids that I could imagine.

I just want to end by sharing my faith in our Savior.

Through all the fun activities, projects, games, Saturdays, play times, dress ups, and holidays that we participate in as a family throughout the year, it ALL comes down to the real life of this extraordinary man. Jesus is not just a story. His atonement is central to our lives and our Heavenly Father's purpose. I am so thankful for my knowledge of Him and the opportunity that I have to raise amazing children and teach them of this truth.

I know that my Redeemer lives,
Triumphant Savior, Son of God,
Victorious over pain and death,
My King, my Leader, and my Lord.
Hymn 135

As Jon and I talked about yesterday, Easter is really the most important Christian holiday there is. Without Easter, Christmas would just have been the birth of another baby. What makes Christmas so special and important is that it is the birth of God's son, who sacrificed everything for us to have it all, and was resurrected on Easter to make it possible for us to have eternal life. For that, I will be forever grateful.

I know that these things are true, and I hope that you also find the peace that comes with this Easter season. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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