Monday, September 1, 2014

Edwin @ 4... er 5 Months

I've been working on this post for about a month. (You know... moving and all.) Edwin is now 5 months old - so this is sort of a combination of July and August :)

I haven't been doing a great job keeping track of his growth with all the moving nonsense, but he is about 16 lbs and 28 inches long!

The other day someone described Edwin's personality as "bursting" with happiness. He is so active and wiggly and happy it is just almost too much to handle! And yes, we dressed him up in a duck costume, just for kicks:

He seems just giddy to be alive. He's a kicker and a mover and a shaker. I commented to Jon today that he just loves ALL physical experiences. He loves when Jon moves his arms to dance to upbeat music, he smiles when I change his diaper, he smiles when I get him dressed, he squeals with delight and giggles when I give him baths. This baby is unreal!

My favorite thing about Edwin is definitely how he smiles CONSTANTLY. In fact, sometimes he just doesn't want to nurse at all because he's so busy just smiling at me. Edwin thrives on kisses and snuggles. I have no complaints there!

Jon said he's been a great addition, and I agree. Edwin is that shot of happiness that our family needs. He makes us balanced. He LOVES watching Margo, and thinks she is just the best. I'm so glad we're raising another dog lover :) Even when I'm having a bummed out day, Edwin can brighten my mood and make me laugh without fail.

Edwin gets swaddled about 50% of the time for naps, and we were still swaddling him at night until June, but he would always break free of it. Thankfully he stayed asleep until at least 7am and was always smiling when we went in to change his diaper in the morning. Now we don't even bother with swaddling him at night. He sleeps like a champ :)

Although he has primarily been in his "taco" for the past 4 months, we decided this week to move him into his crib since he is really outgrowing the rock-n-play.

Edwin has been grabbing at toys and likes to chew on everything. He even started showing interest in our food at the dinner table over the last two weeks! I am totally not ready for him to start solids though, so we're going to hold off on that as long as possible.

Edwin adores Kate and likes to watch everything she does:

Kate likes to know where Edwin is at all times and tells me things about him. "Oh, Emen taco!" (she'll point out his fold up bassinet) or "Emen sad!" (when he's crying.)

She also really enjoys holding him and giving him hugs:

Before moving, we were able to visit with some dear family and friends, including my Grandma Jean (my dad's mom) who passed away just two weeks after this picture was taken:

My Grandma LOVED seeing Kate and Edwin. I was so grateful that we could get a picture with her, and baby Wynn gurgled and cooed at her the whole time! She just loved having Edwin talk to her. As sad as it was that this was the last time I was able to talk to my grandma (we had no idea her health would decline so fast from there!) it was bittersweet since it gave us a chance to attend her funeral before moving away.

We were also able to see great friends, like Bay! She and her hubby moved back to CA from NV just a couple weeks before our move to ID. Not fair.

Yes, Edwin has had quite the whirlwind tour of people and life in his short 5 months on earth so far. We are so grateful that he is part of our little family and are excited for the next month's adventures!


The BaKeRs said...

I love Edwin and totally miss him!! I miss you all!! But I didn't get enough time with him... so I especially miss him!

Bay said...

I love the label "El Segundo Chubs!" Ha! Glad I got to visit with you guys and camp with your cute kiddos! xoxo!