Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cookies for Margo

I recently opened up my crafty side (and took an idea from a display at my work) and made Margo her very own cookie jar!

Previously we just kept her cookies in the box, but this is way more fun :)

The clear craft paint cans at Beverly's were the perfect jar. I used purple polka dot scrapbook paper for the top of the lid, and found bone and paw print stickers (bogo free!) to embellish.

The letters are brown chipboard alphabet stickers, and the finishing touch was 4 alternating 1/4 inch ribbon prints. Purple polka dots, brown polka dots, brown paw prints and tan bones that say "bow-wow".

I was SO happy with the finished product! Margo loves it too. Whenever we pull out the cookie jar, she knows they are for her!

This idea would also be awesome in different colors for gifts and REAL human cookies too. The clear paint cans come in all different sizes. Happy crafting!

1 comment:

Judith Kester said...

I LOVE this idea! -I love how creative you are! -Keep the craft projects comin haha!